It’s finally here!
Head on over and download the early access version of our JOI demo available right now!
We highly recommend the Windows x64 PC version for the best experience in regards to performance, quality and features; however you can alternatively play the slimmed down browser based WebGL version if you prefer.
Windows x64 PC ( Recommended! ): Windows x64
Browser based WebGL: WebGL
Please keep in mind that this is merely a sample of what we want the full JOI experience to feel like, and it is by no means a representation of the complete Lustbound game experience. We plan to explore many more ideas outside of JOI.
For now you’ll get to experience the basic red light / green light gameplay, along with dialogue interactions, Bluetooth sex toy integration and a handful of sex positions.
Detailed breakdown of what there is to experience in this JOI demo
- Interactive JOI sequence
- Red light / green light mechanic
- Edging countdown
- Assisted and simultaneous orgasm endings
- Reactions to tell Estelle to slow down, speed up or stop
- Crystal ball image portal
- Search the internet
- Or create your own custom gallery (PC version only)
- You can download and use these user made galleries, which can be found here!
- Bluetooth sex toy integration (PC version only)
- If your toy is supported by, it should work with Lustbound!
- Lustbound has been thoroughly tested with *The Handy and *Lovense Lush 3
- Dynamic animation system
- Pattern driven inverse kinematics
- With a handful of sex positions to get you started
- Debug panel
- Test out manual camera mode, poses, stroke patterns, speed and more!
This is of course only the beginning, and we plan on adding plenty more features! With this first release out in the wild, we finally have a very stable version that we can build upon, and will be able to update you with new features more regularly!
You will notice an exclamation marked button at the bottom right, which opens a feedback form. This is the place for you to report bugs or give us your feedback on what you think of the game!
Helpful links
We’ve put together a few informative guides for those of you who are new to the demo.
Firstly, if you intend to use Bluetooth toys with the game, you should definitely give this document a look before reporting any problems you may be experiencing using your device.
Secondly, we have included the debug panel in this version of the demo. This is extremely useful for testing different areas of the game and pushing them to their limits, but it can also cause bugs if used incorrectly.
We think people will find the “Misc” panel interesting in particular, as it will give you control over certain features of the game that only Patrons will have access to. Think “prerelease version of free play,” along with Free camera mode!
We recommend that you take care when using the debug panel, and to avoid reporting bugs after having used it unless you absolutely know what you’re doing.
Sound effects
We are still working on the sound effects, which is our next high priority task; so while this version may still be a little quiet, don’t expect Estelle to stay quiet for very long. All the Moaning, breathing, slipping and sliding, sucking, gagging, slurping, smacking and slapping sounds AND more voice acted dialogue are coming soon!
Free play mode
While waiting for more gameplay modes besides red light green light, we want you to have a free play mode that you can come home to and experience the sex gameplay / Bluetooth sex toys in a more straightforward way.
This is all technically available through the debug panel right now, but we will be making it more accessible and friendly via interactions with Estelle.
Character model improvements
There are a ton of enhancements awaiting the lovely Estelle, but certain ones have our immediate attention.
We will be focusing on adding features such as twist bones and improved topology, allowing us to pose her more realistically, and eyelids that follow her eye movement, making her gaze appear more natural.
We will also be focusing on facial animation, so that she can be more expressive during encounters.

Twist Constraint within Unity
IKy sticky upgrade
To pave the way for multi character interactions, we’ll be adding secondary movement inherited from another character or floating dildo.
This means that Estelle can get plowed rather than her always driving the animation, and her movements will react accordingly.
We want to gradually start transitioning into a physically based environment, rather than floating in the void like Estelle is now.
Sex positions will be much more appealing when taking place on actual surfaces.
Ease of life enhancements
We want to refine the general UI layout, and make everything more easily accessible and straightforward.
AI enhancements
We’re looking into ways to make the sequence driving AI less error prone and easier to develop for.
- A prototype of voice commands (aka: hands free controls) can be unlocked via the debug panel to allow you to trigger reaction options by saying them out loud.
All builds
- New crystal ball tutorial available when playing the second JOI sequence.
- When using the crystal ball, Estelle will now consider your internet connectivity and show error messages if no connection can be made.
- Added new reactions to enhance the JOI gameplay, such as asking to change the speed and begging to cum.
- New voice clips for Red-light Green-light.
- Replaced in game timers with an upgraded timer system which plays nicely with time scaling to help with testing.
- Polished the Faster and Slower responses for Estelle.
- The transition for the proposed edging scenario when begging has been smoothed out.
- Added arousal filter On/Off toggle to the debug panel.
- Added fallback feature to random bit selection.
- Added new Timer modifier to set timer values directly.
- Added stroke speed offset ranges in the debug panel for testing the speed limits of Bluetooth toys.
- Change log is now automatically shown at the start of new versions.
- Removed Custom galleries and adjusted the crystal ball tutorial in consequence.
- Added custom gallery tutorial dialogue.
- Updated survey for new audience.
- The feedback form now automatically blocks submissions from outdated versions.
- The Feedback button is now also hidden along with the “Toggle UI” debug panel
- Lush 3 won’t vibrate on a red instruction when connecting from the Pause menu.
- There is now less lag on WebGL when playing the first session on a fresh page load.
- Custom portal gallery is no longer mentioned in the WebGL version.
- Fixed internet connectivity issue preventing feedback submission and blocking image portal use.
All builds
- The entire area around the feedback form has been removed for the sake of visual simplicity.
- When summoning and dismissing reactions rapidly, they will no longer vanish.
- No more console errors in the cum together countdown phase.
- Estelle’s limbs do not interpenetrate her body as much now.
- Nordic keyboard layouts should not interfere with the debug panel hotkey anymore.
- Reactions will no longer make the dialogue box disappear.
- Creating a custom image gallery for the Crystal Ball is now foolproof.
- Tweaked Labia morph and dildo size to fix Interpenetration in various poses.
- Close up camera views now behave as intended.
- The reset playerprefs function in the debug panel now works as intended and resets the game to a fresh start.
- Estelle and the stroker will no longer get out of sync and snap when entering the first instruction of a JOI session, pressing the pause menu or during a stop instruction.
- Estelle’s body will no longer contort strangely when resetting to the main menu from a JOI session.
- Tweaked the Arousal filter to look less “dizzying” when at 100% arousal.
- Reactions are now only shown during instructions as intended.
- Various spelling mistakes and rich text formatting issues have been fixed.
- Major bug fixing and polishing of the JOI sequence.
- Fixed memory leak in the debug log that was preventing the Feedback form from submitting the debug log.
- Reactions all loop back into the sequence, never dismissing the dialogue panel and breaking the sequence.
- The pause game menu will not get broken when you press the debug button.
- An exit button is now available on PC during the not 18 prompt.
- The game will no longer break when more than 10 reaction candidates exist.
- The reaction button can no longer become oversized.
- The camera angles no longer feel broken, as the fog in the background is displayed as intended.
- Asking to cum should no longer softlock the game.
- Timers no longer cause bugs in the sequence.
- UI elements should now always stay within screen bounds when using aspect ratios other than 16:9.
- The custom image gallery should now work without internet connectivity.
- The sequence will no longer break if Estelle’s arousal stat is between 60-70 and the player has already begged once.
- Seed value is once again being properly submitted with bug reports.
- Game no longer softlocks if choosing a faster or slower reaction after going through first play dialogues following a fresh playerprefs save data reset.
- Polished the “Cumming” and “Outro” dialogues.
- If a crystal ball search finds no result, it will default to the custom gallery or a sample picture.
- Pressing the escape key will no longer pop up the “exit game” menu on top of other menus and instead will dismiss the active menu as intended.
- Warning messages for the feedback form will no longer be covered by the background.
- The search field of the Crystal ball menu now allows the same number of characters as the one Estelle prompts you with.
- Estelle now moans as expected during edging and climax.
- The sequence will no longer soft lock after cumming early.
- The stroke speed now updates properly throughout the sequence.
- Polished the camera focus on her face when begging to cum.
- The crystal ball tutorial will now only be shown if you actually complete the first JOI sequence.
- The game will no longer soft lock when Estelle is interrupted during the edging countdown.
- In game debug logger now has its own canvas and shows in front of everything else as intended.
- If you reset the player preferences and had the music and sounds disabled, they would reset only on the second boot of the game. We do not intend on fixing this behavior for now.
- Stopped investigating Crystal Ball breaking the sequence after finishing First Play.
- Slower and faster removes the text box during the climax. This is by design, but if it is confusing we will consider alternative solutions.
- The dialogue box disappearing after saying “faster” or “slower” during climax is by design.